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Launching (a book), Editing and still writing.

A Sequence of events was released on 3rd April. My publishers Titan Inkorp made it a wonderful event for me. The boss, Chris Austin, went live on Facebook and the other authors signed to them joined him to wish me luck, offer congratulations and partake in some banter. The novel is available as an e book at the moment but the paperback version will be available soon.

More good news, another one of my books, The Lexton Twelve, will also be released by Titan Inkorp. After putting so much into my writing it is marvellous beyond words (shouldn't really say that as an author!) to have ones work acknowledged.

Writing is something that I do most days. I am always trying to improve and constantly look back over things I have written and tweaking them. Is a book ever really finished? At some point you have to stop, send it away and let it be judged by publishers and the public.

I am getting there with my second book in the One World series. I am up to 47k words. The skeleton is in place and now I have to flesh out the bones.

As I look out of the window the sun is shining. I was SO fed up with the rain and gloom. Come on spring, we all need a bit of warmth so that we can get outside more.

Our house is undergoing a revamp with painting being carried out by a decorator. All the skirting boards, doors and window sills were stained dark brown. They are being painted white and look a thousand times better already. Once that is completed there will be new carpets. As I anticipate the search for the exact shade that I want I feel sorry for the carpet stores I am going to visit.

New book, new carpets, sun shining, I am feeling positively positive. I think I better get back to One World 2 while I am on a roll.

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